In our first years, the Congolese team on the ground in Minembwe achieved many successes despite setbacks and challenges from continued violence and conflict by rebel militias with inadequate intervention from the DRC government. Homes have been burned, property stolen, lives lost, and injuries sustained. Children and adults suffer from malnutrition.

We are so thankful for the many blessings we have received so far in our ministry and the amazing results of our multi-tribal Congolese team. We are grateful for the Holy Spirit-inspired generosity of our many kind donors in the USA which have helped make this possible.

Highlights of Congo Peace's success to date (January 2021 – May 2024)

  • 17,943 people in 22 villages visited with the message of reconciliation
  • 45,000 people in area reached by weekly radio program focusing on reconciliation
  • 18,104 individuals received food
  • 1,105 young children, pregnant and nursing women treated for kwashiorkor (severe malnutrition)
  • 50 orphans rescued receiving emergency nutrition, shelter, schooling and care
  • 4,250 pounds of beans, sweet potatoes, and Irish potatoes planted then harvested through the cooperative effort of diverse tribes
  • Covid prevention teaching to 3,532 students in schools and 1,752 adults through 11 local churches
  • Largest employer in Minembwe: 94 multi-tribal construction workers, 17 nutrition center operators, and 11-members on the reconciliation team (NHRC) 
  • 2 Facilities built/under construction:  Community Center in Minembwe and Vocational Center under construction near Bukavu
  • 14.5 acres of land now owned by NHRC in DRC:  12 acres in Minembwe donated by community leaders, 2.5 acres purchased in Kavumu near Bukavu for the vocational training center
  • 8 large community gatherings,celebrations and intertribal athletic events held
  • Met with 7 DRC-based community organizations to establish partnerships