Our Mission

Congo Peace's mission is to break the chronic cycle of poverty, violence and tribal animosity in the Minembwe region of the DRC by assisting all tribes equally. We provide initial emergency support, and teach vocational and entrepreneurial skills to foster economic opportunity and stability, guided by Christ's reconciling love.

Learn together. Live together.

Our goal is to create a confident new generation of capable leaders with the skills and desire to unify the tribes with a common purpose – prosperity and peace.

Our Vision

Our vision for Minembwe and beyond is filled with hope!

We support the creation of a God-filled place where people will live, work, and play together as they learn to forgive and reconcile after decades of tribal conflict.

We support establishing a stable future where people are healthy and safe, and find hope for a sustainable livelihood through training, education, and humanitarian aid.

We strive to support a unified homeland where people live and flourish in Christian harmony and fellowship where displaced persons can return.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God (Matthew 5:9).