Hope is a precious gift. It is fragile. Adrien’s mother and Aimable’s parents, strong, faithful people who have been born and raised in South Kivu but forced to flee to another East African country, are finding fresh hope that they may be able to return to their homeland Minembwe one day in the near future. This new hope is fueled by what they hear from their sons here who are active Congo Peace advocates and members of the New Hope Revival worshipping community at BelPres, sees their need and is responding.

Like Hagar in the story of Abraham, the East Congolese can experience such moments when “God sees me.” To know the mercy of God and be seen by others who acknowledge and understand their plight and want to help are true gifts to them. To know that their children and other family members who have immigrated to the US are telling their story and finding ways to help is encouraging.

“My mother Ann, who I moved to Rwanda last year to keep her safe, wants so badly to go home. She is restless and wants to return. She loves her farm, her church, her village neighbors, and wants to be near where my father is buried,” Adrien explains. “She is a woman of deep faith and trusts in God’s protection.”

Aimable’s parents, who are temporarily living in Uganda, are broken-hearted to be away from the land they love. “It was heartbreaking when they had to go,” says Aimable. “We couldn’t eat or drink because we were so sad that they had to leave. They want very much to be able to go back to their home.”

Part of the mission of Congo Peace is to be able to bring displaced people in South Kivu back to their homes. Through Jesus’ message of reconciliation, we work directly with the people on the ground there to provide the tools and resources needed to restore peace and rebuild their community.

This is the path to restoration for Minembwe and South Kivu and a way to give the East Congolese people the opportunity to reclaim their lives and their heritage. Through the Congo Peace ministry, they can begin to live together again and rebuild their community together.

“I am so happy to be part of the Congo Peace team,” says Aimable. “We are so appreciative that people here care about what happens there. When we see people standing up for our families in Minembwe, it is more than we can imagine.”

To be seen, as Hagar was in Abraham’s story, brings light to a story long untold.Congo Peace opens doors for change to happen and for hope to return to a people who have lost so much.