We are finishing the building of a community hall to provide a common space for gathering, worshipping, and learning. The center is being built on land donated by the Minembwe community leaders in anticipation of having a common gathering place. The building will be complete by 2022.
The NHRC Community Center takes shape

The South Kivu area of Eastern Congo consists primarily of lightly populated subsistence farming communities with a few small businesses providing basic necessities. Transportation networks consist of un-managed, gravel roads that are difficult and expensive to travel. Government presence in the area is light and basic infrastructure is lacking. This lack of infrastructure and places to congregate is a primary driver of our construction program. With no community gathering places to meet or places for visitors to stay or classrooms for students, separate tribes do not intermingle or develop relationships perpetuating unnecessary conflict.
Phase one of construction to build the Main Hall and “Sanitary” requires $134,000 and is expected be completed by the end of the year. Once complete, community gatherings can be conducted during the rainy season and reconciliation training can begin. The total cost of the full compound construction will be between $525,000 and $650,000 and continue to provide much needed local jobs. The construction work currently employs 94 Congolese which is comprised of members of the five tribes we support.
Prayer Request
Please join our prayers that donations will sustain these programs and be able to extend them to 14 other villages and 2,000 more children with Kwashiorkor. We pray that God extend his healing and peace to all in East Congo.