Hallelujah! The Community Hall in Minembwe in East Congo is now essentially complete and useable.

One year ago - May 2021 - saw groundbreaking and the first work on the building underway, thanks to a grant from the Bel Pres Legacy Foundation. Over the months, other donations helped finish the building. Materials and labor have been locally sourced. There are some minor items yet to be finalized, like landscaping, but this does not prevent the building from being used for meetings, reconciliation, and community events.  Importantly, the  building can be secured now as the doors and barred windows have been installed.

2022may-constr-updateAfter one year the time has come to furnish the building, making it ready to welcome our 4-person delegation. Fixtures and furnishings are being added thanks again to a May 2022 grant from the Legacy Foundation.

Four Puget Sound residents will travel in June to help dedicate the building, meet the New Hope Reconciliation Center in-country Congolese team, and spend 2 days building relationships and celebrating our partnership. It will also be an opportunity for them to discuss upcoming plans to create vocational training and facilities for the people in South Kivu.

The project has employed local people from various tribes living in Minembwe and all testify to their pride in being part of the construction.

“I feel very humbled and happy to work with New Hope Project. Before I was very psychologically affected by the current wars and my love towards other tribes was reduced due to many war consequences like displacement, hunger, violence, etc. But today I am happily and freely working with all the tribes as friends and we live together in harmony,” said Mushombe from the Banyindu tribe.

“Since I started working with New Hope I have been receiving my salary and saving some money for my future family welfare. I have now bought my own land plot and I hope to build a house later. I have also bought land where I am now cultivating crops to feed my family, ”added Muhasha from the Bafuliru tribe.

The Community Hall is not only a gathering and worshipping place for the community, but it serves as a symbol of hope and pride for those living in the area. A pergola will soon be erected at the entry of the hall representing all the tribes.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support.