Every day our hearts are broken as we witness the devastating destruction and displacement taking place in Ukraine. Yet over 3800 miles from Kyiv, in South Kivu, Congolese men, women, and children are bravely enduring similar daily tragedies. Though bombs from a superpower do not rain from the Congo sky, the havoc created by unchecked hostile tribal factions within the country results in the same devastation and loss. The people of both regions are engaged in a struggle to maintain hope in the face of great adversity. As followers of Jesus, we long to make a difference!

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The good news is that at Congo peace we have made, and are making, an enormous impact on the lives of thousands of displaced persons in war-torn Minembwe region of South Kivu in the Democratic Replublic of Congo. Praise God that people who have been ravaged by the madness of war, who have lost their homes and all means of support, and have known extreme abuse and murder, have experienced reconciliation with former enemies through the work of Congo Peace! Hungry women, men, and children are being fed! Warring tribes are collaborating and reconciling! Many who were forced to flee their communities are returning to rebuild their homes! Workers from all tribes have cooperated in building Minembwe's Community Center for Reconciliation, which offers tangible hope of future stability for ALL tribes! Hallelujah!

Yet the work is far from complete... Hunger has yet to be overcome, the work of reconciliation must fully flourish, and the Gospel of Peace must grow to heal so many more broken hearts and lives. Pictured are a group who represent over 50 children in Minembwe who were orphaned as the result of war– bereft and vulnerable, sleeping outdoors in the rain, without any support other than the feeding program that you have made possible. Right now teams are working to provide temporary shelter for them in the newly finished Community Center for Reconciliation. Please pray for the welfare of these children, and that God will guide and protect the staff as they minister to their needs. May Congo Peace be fully equipped to live out the Good News of Jesus and His love in Congo DRC!